
From Dissertation in Progress
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Trying to come with a very synthetic and succinct statement for my dissertation. For the elevator pitch. Here is one:

I am looking at how latino/hispanic immigrant youth with mexican origin growing up in Austin, TX, use media to navigate many sociocultural worlds, contexts, spaces. How they do their identity work, negotiate their fluid identities (multiple), local belonging, and connections broader figured worlds.

IS the notion of assimilation trajectories useful for explaining their navigation of different contexts?


The borders hispanic/latino youth cross are not only the ones of nations, they keep crossing borders in their everyday life as they navigate different sociocultural worlds, contexts, and spaces.

Using and mobilizing resources capacity and support in order to navigate the different worlds, and by doing so, to also perform their identities, do identity work.

The question will be to what extent should i focus more on the process of assimilation? to what extent more in their identity work? and to what extent in the new media practices? or could i some how find a practical way to integrating them, and at the same time remain very practical and narrow in the chapters and the questions?

Another thing to do, perhaps in the intro, or in the section about the site is to narrate the geographic location of FHS and the houses of the participant families. How I got there. The amount of time invested in transportation. Usually an 1 1/2 in a bus. Or an hour in a bicycle. The landscape of isolation, of cars, of roads, of nobody walking.