Table of Contents
Imagine the thesis as a series of independent papers that complement each other and cohere as a single piece.
- 1 0. Introduction
- 2 1. Hispanic/Latino families : media environments and teenage brokers.
- 3 2. Digital video : a community of practice in afterschool (Production)
- 4 3. Search : interacting with the World Wide Web. (Searching)
- 5 4. SNSs and Web 2.0 platforms : FB and YouTube (Circulation and curating)
- 6 5. Conclusions.
0. Introduction
An overarching thesis and an ongoing train of thought: Looking at participation as something that is fluid, and that it happens across different realms : family, afterschool, online SNSs, searching.
Practices and new media literacies : circulation, production, searching, curating.
Complexity of the digital divide. Digital inequalities. Looking at this inequalities across realms.
Hispanic/Latino youth in the USA, growing up with digital media. Yes but in the margins. Unprivileged youth.
0.1. Design and methods (qualitative methodology)
Qualitative research methods have the strengths to better assess context, process, and socio‐cultural meaning (Denzin, 1970) that underlie human behavior,
Providing insight on the relationships between the contexts and processes of human social life, and the ʺmeaningʺ that humans attach to social and physical phenomena (Denzin 1970:30‐31).
the complexity of the human circumstances
while the predominant methods paradigm of ethnography is qualitative, ethnography is more than simply a qualitative research method.
Denzin, N.K. 1970). The Research Act .
Denzin, N.K. and Y.S. Lincoln (1994), “Introduction: Entering the Field of Qualitative Research” in Handbook of Qualitative Research. Denzin and Lincoln (eds.) Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications:
the strengths or attributes of ethnography:
- (1) includes both qualitative and quantitative methods, and both classical and
non‐classical ethnographic approaches.
- (2) is more than simply methods, but has ontological and epistemological properties.
- (3) is a holistic approach to the study of cultural systems.
- (4) is the study of the socio‐cultural contexts, processes, and meanings within
cultural systems.
- (5) is the study of cultural systems from both emic and etic perspectives.
- (6) is greatly dependent on field work.
- (7) is a process of discovery, making inferences, and continuing inquiries in an attempt to achieve emic validity.
- (8) is an iterative process of learning episodes.
- (9) is an open‐ended emergent learning process, and not a rigid investigator
controlled experiment.
- (10) is a highly flexible and creative 1 process.
- (11) is an interpretive, reflexive, and constructivist process.
- (12) requires the daily and continuous recording of field notes.
- (13) may be carried out by individual investigators, or by teams of investigators.
- (14) presents the world of its host population in human contexts of thickly described case studies.
0.2. The setting and participants. A community. A group of students. Most of them involved in the after school programs and the digital media and game design classes. This study focusses only on the hispani/latino students that participated in the bigger study.
0.3. Theoretical framework and core themes
- Participation
- Latino/hispanic
- Youth and digital medial
- Media Practices and Literacies.
1. Hispanic/Latino families : media environments and teenage brokers.
Youth as media savvy, the brokers of digital media, cultural and social capitals. Comparative case study of 4 families.
2. Digital video : a community of practice in afterschool (Production)
Acquisition of social and cultural capitals.
3. Search : interacting with the World Wide Web. (Searching)
Information retrieval, synthesis, the internet as a fixed thing. Information quality.
4. SNSs and Web 2.0 platforms : FB and YouTube (Circulation and curating)
Entertainment, learning, and searching. Precarious networked publics or semi-publics? Or interacting with networking publics from the margins? Especially focused on music culture. The convergence of music and video culture in YouTube and in FB. New subcultural practices, eclecticism, hipsterism. Availability of so much music.