Young People and Mew Media (2002)

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Realms of daily life: leisure, work, family, friends.

How do existing practices mediate the appropriation of new media into daily life?

Leisure blurs with many other realms such as education, employment, public activities, family life.

Teens are incorporating new media into their peer networks, using both face-to-face and online communication, visiting each others' houses to talk and play computer games just as they visited and swapped comics a generation before, using new media to supplement rather than displace existing activities.(7)

"people's relation to media is being construed not only in terms of viewing, reading or listening but also in terms of using, consuming, owning."

Media as environment (emphasis in context)

Thinking about the interactions, and relations between different media. MEdia frame the social context for communication. Media trasnmit content. Mediated culture becomes integral to everyday life.

Metaphor of media environment tries to go beyond the debates over audiences and users. Highlights the fact that media are involved in every part of children's lives, whereter in background or foreground (10). Understanding contexts as places that are meaninful.

"conditions of access and choice within the child's environment are central to an understanding of the meanings of media use." (10)

Contextualization of everyday life is important for understanding media practice. Reveals old and new media converge in everyday life.

Social and cultural contexts of use. Find balance between media-centric and technological determinist approaches

Dual focus

"When the starting point is a focus on the media, the story rapidly becomes one of "it depends on the context." (11) When the starting point is a focus in family life or the home, the story becomes one of "look how important media are". (11)

"Ultimately, of course the context of childhood and youth shape the meanings, uses and impacts of media just as these, in turn, contribute to shaping the experience of childhood and youth.: (11)